September 10th 6:30pm LifeShare: A time set aside to come together and share what's on your mind and in your heart, but most importantly we are there for each other. Come to give support to your fellow brothers and sisters.
September 11th Fall Festvial Meeting following Wednesday Night Bible Class: A quick meeting to discuss ideas, planning, and organizing for our Fall Festival coming up October 26th.
September 21st 8:00am WORK DAY at the building to help prep for Friend Day. See Todd McRay for details.
September 21st 10:30am Sound Booth Training for those interested in learning how to do this or for those that might need a refresher course. See Darrick Jordan for more details.
September 22nd Friend Day with Fish Fry Fellowship: Invite your friends to join us for Sunday morning Bible class and worship services. We will have a fish fry fellowship for lunch following morning services! Bring sides and fixings and your friends to join us! (we will not meet for evening services)
September 26th 6:30pm Men's Book Club in the church library. See Darrick Jordan for details! Join us in reading and discussing a Christian themed book each month. Invite a friend to join! (Planning to meet the last Thursday of each month)
October 6th SWAY at PJSCC at 5pm & 6pm: We are hosting! Join us at 5pm for Area Wide Singing and stay for the 6pm services on "How to Grow as God's Messenger." Meal provided by our congregation, please see Gage or Lonny for details and if you'd like to help!
Wednesday Night ladies class! Ladies join us this quarter! We will meet in the auditorium building in our back classroom. We'll do a video series by Kristi McLelland called "Luke in the Land." Challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations throughout Israel. See Lauren Perkins for more details.
*YOUTH* NEW Wednesday Night Girls/Guys Class:
8th grade and High School Girls will meet in the conference room area to go through a series called "Worth It!" with Courtney.
8th grade and High School Boys will continue to meet in the HS classroom to discuss "Christian Leadership" with Gage and Dillon.
October 18th-19th at Durant church of Christ, Stronger Marriage Workshop: All married couples, regardless of how many years married...JOIN US!! Invite your married friends! Registration opens September 16th. It is free and childcare will be provided! More details coming soon…
October 26th Fall Festival
November 8-9: Ladies Retreat
November 16: Men's Day
November 1st MHS Football Team Meal: We will provide a meal for our Madill High School Football team/coaches in the fellowship building. More details soon!--if you'd like to assist in any way please see Lonny Goff.
**REMINDER** We will have Sunday Evening 6pm worship services on the 1st and 3rd Sunday each month. The 2nd Sunday of the month is Brothers Keepers and the 4th Sunday of the month we will have a potluck lunch after morning services with a short devotional following lunch and not have evening services.